Bellingham and Stanley RFM742-M digital refractometer

Code: ref1048 D2-0

Robust 2-decimal 0-100 Brix refractometer for use in factory or lab.

Designed with simplicity in mind, RFM700-M Series refractometers with Brix, RI scales as standard offer digital automatic ...

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Votre prix
$9,994.85 EACH
$11,993.82 inc. VAT

Prix ​​de la distribution et de l'emballage durables

Robust 2-decimal 0-100 Brix refractometer for use in factory or lab.

Designed with simplicity in mind, RFM700-M Series refractometers with Brix, RI scales as standard offer digital automatic technology at a low cost.

  • Alpha-numeric keypad for easy data entry
  • Flat sapphire prism surface for easy-cleaning
  • Simple operation for factory environments
  • Selectable read type: Continual, single, intelligent auto-sense

RFM700-M Series refractometers are robust, low cost, fully automatic instruments that are ideally suited to the food, sugar and beverage industries but can also be used in many other non-food applications where temperature control is not required, for example measuring sugar (°Brix) concentrations in the food processing industry.

The RFM742 is a 2-decimal place instrument ideal for use in beverage plants.

The RFM742-M Series features robust construction, a sapphire prism mounted in an easy clean stainless steel dish and an outer casing that is sealed and shaped to withstand sample spillage and moisture ingress. This together with the external power supply makes the RFM700-M ideal for use in a harsh factory environment or busy laboratory.

Commonly, the RFM700-M series refractometers are supplied to operate in the °Brix scale with results temperature compensated to 20°C in accordance with ICUMSA. Additional user scales provide measurement in different formats such as various wine, Refractive Index (RI) & FSII as well as allowing custom scales to be loaded in accordance with product data.

The RFM700-M facilitates Span calibration at any value using a variety of media types, as temperature compensation may be adjusted to suit the product being used. Additionally, the instruments are fitted with AG temperature compensation, allowing the use of AG Fluids without the need to use conversion table.

Unité de vente
Prix annoncé
Prix annoncé: $5,829.00
Source:Prix annoncé
Prix annoncé: $8,328.80
Source:Prix annoncé
Prix annoncé: $11,626.10
Source:Prix annoncé
Prix annoncé: $12,661.40
Source:Prix annoncé
Prix annoncé: $12,455.50
Source:Prix annoncé
Prix annoncé: $13,073.20
Source:Prix annoncé
Prix annoncé: $12,744.05
Source:Prix annoncé
Prix annoncé: $13,835.90
Source:Prix annoncé
Prix annoncé: $14,797.25
Source:Prix annoncé
Ce produit répond aux critères suivants:

Prix ​​de la distribution et de l'emballage durables
  • Fabriqué au Royaume-Uni ou en Irlande
  • Le pays d'origine a un indice de performance environnementale (IPE) supérieur à 60

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