Mélange de n-hydrocarbone de Floride, 1 000 mug / mL de chaque composant du chlorure de méthylène:disulfide de carbone (1: 1), norme analytique

Code: 46855-u D2-231

Non disponible en dehors du Royaume-Uni et de l'Irlande


Refer to the product′s Certificate of Analysis for more information on a suitable instrument technique. Contact Technical Service for further support.

en savoir plus

Votre prix
$95.93 EACH
$115.12 inc. VAT

Non disponible en dehors du Royaume-Uni et de l'Irlande


Refer to the product′s Certificate of Analysis for more information on a suitable instrument technique. Contact Technical Service for further support.

Other Notes

We offer a variety of chromatography accessories including analytical syringes

CofAcurrent certificate can be downloaded
concentration1000 µg/mL each component in dichloromethane: carbon disulfide (50:50)
featurestandard type calibration
formatmulti-component solution
gradecertified reference material
packagingampule of 1 mL
Quality Level100
storage temp.2-30°C
technique(s)gas chromatography (GC): suitable, HPLC: suitable
Hazard Class3
Un Number1992
Pack GroupI
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