ExitusPlus™ activity test is a quick and convenient tool to test the activity of PanReac AppliChem solutions for nucleic acid decontamination DNA/RNA-ExitusPlus™ (A7089), DNA/RNA-ExitusPlus™ IF (A7409) and RNase-ExitusPlus™ (A7153). The test strips are very sensitive and designed to detect the redox reaction of ExitusPlus™ solutions. The strips are calibrated to nucleic acid degradation and to ageing of ExitusPlus™ solutions. Test ExitusPlus™ if there are any concerns about the activity of the solution, e.g. after the recommended re-test date or after repeated use in decontamination protocols. Follow the recommendations given in the color scale. ExitusPlus™ solutions that give results within the sufficient efficacy range may be further used for nucleic acid decontamination.
Ce produit répond aux critères suivants:
| Prix de la distribution et de l'emballage durables | - Le pays d'origine a un indice de performance environnementale (IPE) supérieur à 60
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