Corning Spin - x uf, concentrateur, 20 mL, 10 k, sans stérile

Code: 431487 D2-53

Spin-X UF centrifugal concentrators offer a simple, one step procedure for concentrating or desalting proteins and other biomolecules with 90% or better recovery.

Prix ​​de la distribution et de l'emballage durables

Spin-X UF centrifugal concentrators offer a simple, one step procedure for concentrating or desalting proteins and other biomolecules with 90% or better recovery.

  • The vertical membrane design and thin channel filtration chamber minimizes membrane fouling and provides fast, high speed concen­trat­ing, even with particle laden solutions.
  • Low binding polyethersulfone (PES) membranes are available with five molecular weight cut-offs (MWCO): 5,000, 10,000, 30,000, 50,000, and 100,000 to meet all of your concentrating needs. Choose an MWCO half to a third smaller than the protein to be concentrated.
  • The MWCO and graduations are printed on the side of the concentrator tube to avoid mix-ups.
  • Spin-X UF 6 and 20 concentrators can be used with either swinging bucket or fixed angle rotors. Spin-X UF 500 con­centrators require fixed angle rotors.

Ce produit répond aux critères suivants:

Prix ​​de la distribution et de l'emballage durables
  • Fabriqué au Royaume-Uni ou en Irlande
  • Le pays d'origine a un indice de performance environnementale (IPE) supérieur à 60

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