Charles River Mobilized Leukopak - GCSF-5 Day Stim- Collect Days 5 and 6; Fresh

Code: m001fgcsf4kit D2-0

Mobilized Leukopak (G-CSF only). Leukopaks from mobilized peripheral blood are collected from healthy human donors under IRB approved informed consent by leukapheresis using the Spectra Optia® Aphe...

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Votre prix
$63,995.75 EACH

Mobilized Leukopak (G-CSF only). Leukopaks from mobilized peripheral blood are collected from healthy human donors under IRB approved informed consent by leukapheresis using the Spectra Optia® Apheresis System CMNC collection protocol. Donors are injected with G-CSF, which stimulates the bone marrow to produce a large number of hematopoietic and progenitor stem cells and mobilizes them into the peripheral blood stream. This mononuclear cell-rich leukapheresis product is extracted using continuous flow centrifugal technology directly into the collection bag.

Unité de vente
Prix annoncé
Prix annoncé: $36,738.65
Source:Prix annoncé
Prix annoncé: $39,107.95
Source:Prix annoncé
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