Taille des microparticules standard basée sur la monodisperse du polystyrène, taille: 100 mum

Code: 59336-5ml-f D2-231

Non disponible en dehors du Royaume-Uni et de l'Irlande

Analysis Note

For every lot exact values of particle size and standard deviation are determined with an accuracy of 0.001 µm. The size determination of these particles f...

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Votre prix
$377.00 5ML
$452.40 inc. VAT

Non disponible en dehors du Royaume-Uni et de l'Irlande

Analysis Note

For every lot exact values of particle size and standard deviation are determined with an accuracy of 0.001 µm. The size determination of these particles follows procedures described by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST, USA) respectively by the Community Bureau of Reference (BCR), esp.: Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) Scanning electron microscope Light microscopy Coulter counter with MDF-systemCalibration of equipment is carried out with NIST-respectively BCR-particle size standards.


Used to calibrate and develop particle size analyzers.Also used as a building block to synthesize ordered macroporous titania photonic balls.

Features and Benefits

suitable for routine instrument calibration checks, testing and corrections available in 5 mL pack size as a neat sample

General description

Monodisperse polystyrene based micro particles are a size standard, designed for profiling particle size distribution (PSD) of a particle system.The particle diameter of 100 µm is characterized using Olympus optical microscope. The measuring instruments are calibrated using standards obtained from the Community Bureau of Reference (BCR, Belgium: Standards RM 165, 166 or 167) and from the NIST (SRM 1690, 1691 or 1692).

Legal Information

Coulter is a trademark of Beckman Coulter, Inc.

application(s)glass & ceramicindustrial qcpharmaceutical
concentration2% (solids)
crosslinking2 % cross-linked
formaqueous suspension
gradeanalytical standard
particle size100 µm std dev ≤2 µm
Quality Level100
storage temp.2-8°C
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