smb00607-1g Display Image


Code: smb00607-1g D2-231

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Amoxicillin trihydrate: potassium clavulanate (4:1) has been used to study its effect on the viral déjà vu disease (neonatal intracerebral (i.c.) infection) in mi...

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Amoxicillin trihydrate: potassium clavulanate (4:1) has been used to study its effect on the viral déjà vu disease (neonatal intracerebral (i.c.) infection) in mice model.

Biochem/physiol Actions

Amoxicillin trihydrate is a broad-spectrum, β-lactam antibiotic. It inhibits the cross-linkage between linear peptidoglycan polymer chains that are the major component of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Since amoxicillin is degraded by β-lactamases, it does not show activity against bacteria which produce these enzymes.Clavulanate is a β-lactam antibiotic related to the penicillins. Clavulanate competitively and irreversibly inhibits a wide variety of β-lactamases found in bacteria that are resistant to penicillins and cephalosporins.Formulations of amoxicillin with clavulanic acid prevent the degradation of amoxicillin by β-lactamase enzymes. This increases amoxicillin′s antibacterial activity against bacteria normally resistant to β-lactam antibiotics.


Material is a powdered mixture of 4 parts amoxicillin trihydrate to 1 part potassium clavulanate.

General description

Amoxicillin trihydrate is a semisynthetic antibiotic, that is used as a medicine.

Other Notes

Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place. Never allow product to get in contact with water during storage.



antibiotic activity spectrumGram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria
mode of actioncell wall synthesis | interferes
Quality Level200
solubilitywater: 1 mg/mL
storage condition(Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place. Never allow produc to get in contact with water during storage.)
storage temp.2-8°C
Cas Number74469-00-4
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