v8138-1g Display Image

Hydrochlorure de vancomycine de Streptomyces attialis, répond aux spécifications des tests USP

Code: v8138-1g D2-231

Non disponible en dehors du Royaume-Uni et de l'Irlande

Biochem/physiol Actions

Glycopeptide antibioticMode of action: Used to block bacterial cell wall biosynthesis at the level of peptidoglycan biosynthesis by inhibiting incorpo...

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Votre prix
$716.30 1G
$859.56 inc. VAT

Non disponible en dehors du Royaume-Uni et de l'Irlande

Biochem/physiol Actions

Glycopeptide antibioticMode of action: Used to block bacterial cell wall biosynthesis at the level of peptidoglycan biosynthesis by inhibiting incorporation of terminal D-alanyl-D-alanine moieties of the NAM/NAG-peptides.Antimicrobial spectrum: Gram-positive bacteria

General description

Chemical structure: glycopeptide

Other Notes

Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place.


250 mg in glass bottle

1, 5 g in glass bottle

agencymeets USP testing specifications, USP/NF
antibiotic activity spectrumGram-positive bacteria
application(s)pharmaceutical (small molecule)
biological sourceStreptomyces orientalis
concentration≥900 µg/mg (as vancomycin base)
mode of actioncell wall synthesis | interferes
Quality Level200
SMILES stringCl[H].CO[C@@H]1O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@@H]1O[C@H]2C[C@](C)(N)[C@@H](O)[C@@H](C)O2.CN[C@H](CC(C)C)C(=O)NC3[C@H](O)c4ccc(Oc5cc6Oc7ccc(cc7Cl)[C@@H](O)[C@H]8NC(=O)[C@H](NC(=O)[C@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CC(N)=O)NC3=O)c(c5)c6)c9ccc(O)c(c9)-cc(O)cc(O)cc[C@@H](NC8=O)C(O)=O)c(Cl)c4
storage condition(Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place.)
storage temp.2-8°C
Unité de vente
Prix annoncé
Prix annoncé: $233.45
Source:Prix annoncé
Cas Number1404-93-9
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