Hanna Portable Photometer for Free Chlorine, Ultra-High Range

Code: wat1074 D2-102

HI 96771 has been developed to check chlorine dosing in disinfection processes with ultra high concentrations of chlorine. Thanks to the extended range from 0 to 500 mg/L (ppm), it is ideal for the...

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HI 96771 has been developed to check chlorine dosing in disinfection processes with ultra high concentrations of chlorine. Thanks to the extended range from 0 to 500 mg/L (ppm), it is ideal for the food industry, such as in fruit and vegetable washing.The HI 96771 meter measures the free chlorine (Cl2) from 0- 5 ppm content in water and total chlorine in the ultra high range 0-500 ppm. The methods are an adaptation of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edition, 4500-Cl.The meter uses an exclusive positive-locking system to ensure that the cuvette is in the same position every time it is placed into the measurement cell. It is designed to fit a cuvette with a larger neck making it easier to add both sample and reagents. The cuvette is made from special optical glass to obtain best results.Specifications:

  • Free Chlorine range: 0.00 to 5.00mg/L (+/-0.03mg/l)
  • UHR Chlorine (total) range: 0.00 to 5.00mg/L (+/-3mg/l & +/-3% of reading)Supplied with:
  • Sample cuvettes and caps x2 each
  • Batteries

Range – Free Cl (P1)0.00 to 5.00 mg/L (ppm)
Range - Cl, UHR (P2)0 to 500 mg/L (ppm)
Resolution - Free0.01 mg/L from 0.00 to 3.50mg/L; 0.10 mg/L above 3.50 mg/L
Resolution – Cl, UHR (P2)1 mg/L from 0 to 200 mg/L; 10mg/L above 200 mg/L
Accuracy @25°C – Free Cl (P1)±0.03mg/L ± of reading
Accuracy @25°C - Cl, UHR (P2)±3mg/L ±3% of reading
Light sourceTungsten lamp
Light DetectorSilicon photocell with narrow band interference filter @ 525 nm
Power Supply9V Battery
Auto-offAfter ten minutes of non-use in measurement mode
After one hour of non-use in calibration mode
Environment0 to 50°C; RH max 95% non-condensing
Dimensions193 x 104 x 69mm
Sample cuvettes (2) with caps
9V battery
Instrument quality certificate and instruction manual
Reagents and Standards (sold separately)HI-93701-01 Reagents for 100 tests (free Cl)
HI-92701-03 Reagents for 300 tests (free Cl)
HI-95771-01 Reagents for 100 tests (UHR)
HI-95771-03 Reagents for 300 tests (UHR)
HI-96771-11 CAL CheckTM standards
Unit Size
List Price
List Price: $44.66
Source:List Price
List Price: $44.66
Source:List Price
List Price: $341.91
Source:List Price
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