1,10-Phenanthroline hydrochloride monohydrate, Reagent European Pharmacopoeia, for spectrophotometric det., 99.5-102% (calc. on dry substance)

Code: 31043-10g D2-114

Reagent European PharmacopŒia, for spectrophotometric det., 99.5-102% (calc. on dry substance)


Your Price
$76.85 10G
$92.22 inc. VAT

Identity (IR):complying
Assay:99.5 - 102.0 %
Melting point:min. 224 °C
Loss on drying (105°C):max. 8 %
Sulfated ash:max. 0.2 %
Sensitive according Fe(II) ions:complying
Solubility (10 % in H2O):complying
Turbidity of solution:complying
Colour of the solution:complying
Cas Number18851-33-7
Hazard Class6.1
Un Number2811
Pack GroupIII
This product has met the following criteria: