genesig Advanced Real-Time PCR Detection Kit for Avian polyomavirus - 150 Tests

Code: pri1090 D2-306

Nucleic acid testing (NAT) is the method of choice for detection and quantification of a wide range of micro organisms. Primerdesign manufactures and supplies high quality quantitative real-time PC...

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Your Price
£672.00 1KIT
£806.40 inc. VAT

Nucleic acid testing (NAT) is the method of choice for detection and quantification of a wide range of micro organisms. Primerdesign manufactures and supplies high quality quantitative real-time PCR kits for the detection and simultaneous quantification of numerous significant pathogens. A copy number standard curve is provided for quantification and the internal extraction template (DNA or RNA), controls for the quality of the nucleic acid extraction and eliminates false negative results. The kit is designed with the broadest possible detection profile to ensure that all clinically relevant strains and subtypes are detected. Target sequences are selected by working with data from key opinion leaders in the field. Multiple sequence alignments and unprecedented real-time PCR expertise in design and validation ensure the best possible kit.

Budgerigar Fledgling Disease Virus also known as avian polyomavirus (APV) is part of the SV40 clade of the Polyomavirus genus. The circular, double-stranded DNA genome is 4981 nucleotides long and surrounded by a capsid of icosahedral shape up to 50nm in diameter. Infection with this virus causes Budgerigar Fledgling Disease.

The Primerdesign genesig Kit for Budgerigar Fledgling Disease Virus (avian polyomavirus) (APV) genomes is designed for the in vitro quantification of APV genomes. The kit is designed to have a broad detection profile. Specifically, the primers represent 100% homology with over 95% of the NCBI database reference sequences available at the time of design.

  • Exceptional value for money
  • Rapid detection of all clinically relevant subtypes
  • Positive copy number standard curve for quantification
  • Highly specific detection profile
  • High priming efficiency
  • Broad dynamic detection range (>6 logs)
  • Sensitive to 100 copies of target
  • Accurate controls to confirm findings
  • genesig® kits are sold for research use only and are not licensed for diagnostic procedures
  • Easy kit contents: target primer/probe mix; lyophilised oasig MasterMix; lyophilised oasig MasterMix resuspension buffer; positive control template; internal extraction control DNA/RNA; water; 54x genesig q16 reaction tubes
  • Standard kit contents: primer and probe mix (150 reactions); reverse transcription, target specific primers (RNA genome viruses only); copy number standard curve (sufficient for multiple standard curves); RNAse/DNAse free water
  • Advanced kit contents: primer and probe mix (150 reactions); reverse transcription, target specific primers (RNA genome viruses only); copy number standard curve (sufficient for multiple standard curves); internal extraction control - read through VIC channel (150 tests); endogenous control (150 tests); RNAse/DNAse free water

Unit Size
List Price
List Price: £342.00
Source:List Price
List Price: £502.00
Source:List Price
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