JumpStart REDAccuTaq LA DNA Polymerase, Long and accurate hot-start Taq with inert dye, 10X buffer included

Code: d1313-250un D2-231

Not available outside of the UK & Ireland.


JumpStart REDAccuTaq LA DNA Polymerase is a unique enzyme blend that is capable of generating long PCR fragments, from 0.25 kb to 40 kb, with high fidelity, incre...

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Your Price
$449.50 EACH
$539.40 inc. VAT

Not available outside of the UK & Ireland.


JumpStart REDAccuTaq LA DNA Polymerase is a unique enzyme blend that is capable of generating long PCR fragments, from 0.25 kb to 40 kb, with high fidelity, increased specificity and yield. JumpStart REDAccuTaq DNA polymerase combines Sigma′s AccuTaq LA DNA polymerase and JumpStart Taq antibody with an inert red dye. This specially formulated hot start enzyme mix achieves greater yields, enhances sensitivity and results in higher fidelity (6.5×) in comparison to standard Taq or other Long and Accurate enzyme blends. Its high fidelity makes it the enzyme of choice when performing amplifications where a low error frequency is critical, such as in RT-PCR and cloning. JumpStart REDAccuTaq LA DNA Polymerase also contains the hot start mechanism of the JumpStart Taq antibody. JumpStart Taq antibody is designed to minimize non-specific amplification while increasing target yield. Unlike other hot-start methods (i.e. chemical inactivation), JumpStart Taq antibody does not require a pre-incubation step prior to cycling because polymerase activity is fully restored during the first denaturation cycle of the PCR reaction.The inert red dye provides quick recognition and confirmation of appropriate mixing. An aliquot of the samples (5-10 µL) may be loaded directly onto an agarose gel following PCR. The red dye migrates slightly faster than bromophenol blue at the same rate as a 125 base pair fragment.The PCR product can be easily separated from the dye by standard purification methods. The inert red dye has does not effect automated sequencing, restriction enzyme digestion, ligation or other downstream applications.

JumpStartREDAccuTaq®LA DNA Polymerase has been used for amplifying genomic DNA. It has also been used in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for gene cloning.

Features and Benefits

JumpStart REDAccuTaq LA DNA polymerase, an antibody inactivated hot start enzyme, is designed to minimize non-specific amplification while increasing target yield & specificity Up to 6.5X greater fidelity in comparison to Taq DNA polymerase making it the ideal enzyme for multiplex PCR Produce amplicons up to 22 kb with genomic templates and up to 40 kb with less complex templates such as lambda or bacterial genomic DNA Reduce set-up time and eliminate concerns associated with manual or wax Hot Start methods Dye allows for quick visual confirmation that reagent has been added and mixed properly Direct loading onto an agarose gel without additional dyes

General description

JumpStart REDAccuTaq® LA DNA Polymerase contains AccuTaq long and accurate (LA) DNA polymerase, an inert red dye, and JumpStart Taq antibody. This enzyme is suitable for long-distance and high-fidelity PCR, multiplex PCR, and PCR amplification of targets with variable lengths, such as amplification of cDNA libraries. It enables the amplification from 0.25 to 22 kb for complex genomic DNA and up to 40 kb for less complex templates. JumpStart Taq antibody is designed to minimize non-specific amplification while increasing target yield. Unlike other Hot-start methods (i.e. chemical inactivation), the JumpStart Taq antibody does not require a pre-incubation step before cycling because polymerase activity is fully restored during the first denaturation cycle of the PCR reaction. The PCR product can be easily separated from the red dye by standard purification methods. The inert red dye has does not affect automated sequencing, restriction enzyme digestion, ligation, or other downstream applications. Its high fidelity makes it the enzyme of choice when performing amplifications where a low error frequency is critical, such as in RT-PCR and cloning.

Legal Information

Use of this product is covered by one or more of the following US patents and corresponding patent claims outside the US: 5,789,224, 5,618,711, 6,127,155 and claims outside the US corresponding to expired US Patent No. 5,079,352. The purchase of this product includes a limited, non-transferable immunity from suit under the foregoing patent claims for using only this amount of product for the purchaser′s own internal research. No right under any other patent claim, no right to perform any patented method, and no right to perform commercial services of any kind, including without limitation reporting the results of purchaser′s activities for a fee or other commercial consideration, is conveyed expressly, by implication, or by estoppel. This product is for research use only. Diagnostic uses under Roche patents require a separate license from Roche. Further information on purchasing licenses may be obtained by contacting the Director of Licensing, Applied Biosystems, 850 Lincoln Centre Drive, Foster City, California 94404, USA.

JumpStart is a trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC

REDAccuTaq is a registered trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC

Other Notes

View more detailed information on JumpStart REDTaq and Accutaq enzymes at www.sigma-aldrich.com/hotstart.


Supplied with optimized 10× reaction buffer

Unit Definition

One unit incorporates 10 nmol of total dNTPs into acid precipitable DNA in 30 min at 74 °C.

concentration1 unit/µL
featurehotstart, dNTPs included: no, Long & Accurate PCR
inputpurified DNA
Quality Level200
shipped inwet ice
storage temp.−20°C
technique(s)PCR: suitable
usagesufficient for 250 reactions, sufficient for 50 reactions
Unit Size
List Price
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