illustra Hot Start Master Mix

Code: 25150001 D2-84

Hot Start Master Mix is a 2X premixed formulation that can effectively reduce nonspecific priming and primer-dimer formation during PCR.

  • Recombinant hot start activator protein se...

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    £146.00 EACH
    £175.20 inc. VAT

Hot Start Master Mix is a 2X premixed formulation that can effectively reduce nonspecific priming and primer-dimer formation during PCR.

  • Recombinant hot start activator protein sequesters primers prior to PCR, effectively reducing nonspecific priming and primer-dimer formation.
  • Quick hot start activation preserves sample integrity by avoiding extensive precycling heat treatment.
  • Avoids the risk of contamination from a mammalian source associated with hot start antibodies.
  • Convenient, ready-to-use mix saves time and reduces experimental variability.
  • Confidence in downstream applications; increased read length in sequencing applications.
  • For any standard PCR reaction, such as multiplex PCR, and reactions exhibiting nonspecific amplification or primer-dimer formation.


Hot Start Master Mix uses a novel hot start method called primer sequestration.

Hot Start Master Mix combines high-quality recombinant Taq DNA Polymerase, a recombinant hot start activator protein, and nucleotides in a proprietary reaction buffer. This ready-to-use mix provides robust and reliable performance for demanding PCR applications in which high specificity and high sensitivity are essential to success. The mix does not contain Taq antibody and this eliminates the risk of contamination from a mammalian source. Also, since the polymerase is not chemically inactivated, there is no extensive precycling heating step necessary; this reduces the chance of damaging precious DNA samples from heat-induced depurination. The net result from using Hot Start Master Mix is a more robust and reliable amplification of the target amplicons with increased yield when compared to conventional hot start master mix products.

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