Not available outside of the UK & Ireland.
Features and Benefits
Product benefits: Easy deposition under atmospheric conditions (temperature and pressure). Good optical performances (visible light transmission >90%). Non CMR ink. Compatible with ITO layer and Ag NWs layer. Compatible with most flexible substrates. Low drying temperature making printing onto flexible substrates possible. Thin layers are obtained (20 nm) with low roughness (RMS = 3±1 nm).
General description
Helios’;Ink H-SZ01034, semi conductive ink developed for the printed electronics is particularly well suited for OPV and PV. Helios’;Ink H-SZ01034, semi conductive ink shows great performance on Drop on Demand (DOD) inkjet printers, blade coating, and spin coating and is compatible with various flexible substrates (polyimide, PET, PET/ITO, etc.) but also Glass/ITO.
Legal Information
Product of Genes′Ink.
Preparation Note
Typical processing guideline: Can be homogenized for 5 minutes in an ultrasonic bath in order to get rid of any aggregates. Filtration on a 0.45 µm PTFE filter syringe to avoid any nozzles clogging. Drying conditions: Oven, IR oven, vacuum oven. Clean-up solution: Ethanol/Acetone.
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