Harvard Apparatus QuikPrep Cellulose Acetate Membrane for Single-Sided Dialyzers 3000-5000uL Chamber Volume - MWCO 300kDa

Code: qp7420-ca300k D2-0

Cellulose acetate membranes for single-sided dialyzers. Cellulose acetate membranes are low protein binding and have a sharp MWCO range. The membranes are pre-cut, and supplied in 0.05% sodium azid...

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Your Price
$207.35 PK25

Cellulose acetate membranes for single-sided dialyzers. Cellulose acetate membranes are low protein binding and have a sharp MWCO range. The membranes are pre-cut, and supplied in 0.05% sodium azide solution. Glycerol, sulfur, and heavy metals are not present in these membranes. These membranes are intended only for aqueous solutions, and the presence of an organic solvent is not recommended.

  • Ready to use after rinsing with deionized water and buffer
  • Available in three different materials to best suit your application: regenerated cellulose, cellulose acetate, and polycarbonate

CodeMWCO, KDaFor use with
QP7424-CA5000.510 - 200µL chamber volumes
QP7425-CA5000.5500 - 1500µL chamber volumes
QP7420-CA5000.53000 - 5000µL chamber volumes
QP7424-CA1K110 - 200µL chamber volumes
QP7425-CA1K1500 - 1500µL chamber volumes
QP7420-CA1K13000 - 5000µL chamber volumes
QP7424-CA2K210 - 200µL chamber volumes
QP7425-CA2K2500 - 1500µL chamber volumes
QP7420-CA2K23000 - 5000µL chamber volumes
QP7424-CA5K510 - 200µL chamber volumes
QP7425-CA5K5500 - 1500µL chamber volumes
QP7420-CA5K53000 - 5000µL chamber volumes
QP7424-CA10K1010 - 200µL chamber volumes
QP7425-CA10K10500 - 1500µL chamber volumes
QP7420-CA10K103000 - 5000µL chamber volumes
QP7424-CA25K2510 - 200µL chamber volumes
QP7425-CA25K25500 - 1500µL chamber volumes
QP7420-CA25K253000 - 5000µL chamber volumes
QP7424-CA50K5010 - 200µL chamber volumes
QP7425-CA50K50500 - 1500µL chamber volumes
QP7420-CA50K503000 - 5000µL chamber volumes
QP7424-CA100K10010 - 200µL chamber volumes
QP7425-CA100K100500 - 1500µL chamber volumes
QP7420-CA100K1003000 - 5000µL chamber volumes
QP7424-CA300K30010 - 200µL chamber volumes
QP7425-CA300K300500 - 1500µL chamber volumes
QP7420-CA300K3003000 - 5000µL chamber volumes
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