SLS Select conductivity standard at 25°C is tested by an ISO 17025 Accredited (A2LA Ref: 6739.03) Test Method and NIST traceable. The product is aqueous based; non-hazardous and accurate to a specification of ±1%. The product because it is aqueous based; has a low temperature coefficient of variation and guaranteed stability throughout its entire shelf life; even after opening the bottle.
- NIST traceable
- Aqueous based, thereby eliminating any errors attributable to matrix mismatch
- Each bottle is supplied with a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and has a table of conductivity variation with temperature printed on the product label
- The low temperature coefficient of variation reduces measurement errors and enables non-temperature controlled use and is suitable for field work
- High accuracy ±1% at 25°C, enables the standards to be used as calibrators and/or controls, in accordance with the most exacting industrial requirements
- Guaranteed stability throughout entire shelf life, even after opening the bottle, eliminates the need to open a fresh bottle of standard every time it is used
- Value: 147 µS/cm ±1%
- Accuracy: ±1.0% µS/cm
- Tested at 25°C
- Packaging: HDPE bottle GL45
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