Yohimbine hydrochloride

Code: 49768-50mg D2-231

Not available outside of the UK & Ireland.


Yohimbine hydrochloride may be used as an analytical standard for the determination of the analyte in dietary supplements by chromatography techniques.

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Your Price
$82.43 50MG
$98.92 inc. VAT

Not available outside of the UK & Ireland.


Yohimbine hydrochloride may be used as an analytical standard for the determination of the analyte in dietary supplements by chromatography techniques.

General description

Yohimbine is a major indole alkaloid typically extracted from the barks of Pausinystalia yohimbine, Corynanthe yohimbe, and Rauvolfia sepentina trees.

application(s)food and beverages
assay≥98.0% (HPLC)
gradeanalytical standard
mp288-290 °C (dec.) (lit.)
optical activity[α]/D 100±5°, c = 1 in H2O
Quality Level100
shelf lifelimited shelf life, expiry date on the label
SMILES stringCl.COC(=O)[C@H]1[C@@H](O)CCC2CN3CCc4c([nH]c5ccccc45)C3CC12
storage temp.−20°C
Cas Number65-19-0
Hazard Class6.1
Un Number1544
Pack GroupII
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