Lead(II) acetate basic, anhydrous, ACS reagent, for sugar analysis according to Horne, Greater than or equal to 33.0% basic Pb (as PbO) basis, Greater than or equal to 75.0% total Pb (as PbO) basis

Code: 32306h-1kg D2-114

anhydrous, ACS reagent, for sugar analysis according to Horne, ≥33.0% basic Pb (as PbO) basis, ≥75.0% total Pb (as PbO) basis


Your Price
£95.23 1KG
£114.28 inc. VAT

Total Pb (as PbO):min. 75.0 %
Basic Pb (as PbO):min. 33.0 %
Loss on drying (105°C, 2 h):max. 1.0 %
Water insoluble matter:max. 1.0 %
Insoluble in acetic acid:max. 0.02 %
Calcium (Ca):max. 0.005 %
Cadmium (Cd):max. 0.001 %
Cobalt (Co):max. 0.001 %
Copper (Cu):max. 0.002 %
Iron (Fe):max. 0.002 %
Potassium (K):max. 0.01 %
Magnesium (Mg):max. 0.005 %
Sodium (Na):max. 0.01 %
Nickel (Ni):max. 0.001 %
Zinc (Zn):max. 0.001 %
Chloride (Cl):max. 0.003 %
Nitrate (NO3):max. 0.003 %
Cas Number51404-69-4
Hazard Class6.1
Un Number2291
Pack GroupIII
This product has met the following criteria: